Here I write regularly about the things that really matter to me in my work. I hope you enjoy reading about them!
Are you seeking sex, when actually what you want is touch? Most of us, myself included have probably at some point sought sex, when actually what we were yearning for was simply human contact. Consensual, pleasurable sex is a wonderful thing, and can be healing in itself, however we don’t [Read more…]
Did you know that playful activity is not only fun, but has numerous benefits to us? Most children play naturally and it’s how they learn many skills, such as healthy boundaries and human connection. As adults we may stop playing entirely, and we laugh much less than when we were [Read more…]
Stephen Porges Polyvagal theory (1994) has been a huge addition to the understanding of the human nervous system, and how stress and trauma affects most people to some degree and how to work with this. “Polyvagal theory – understanding trauma” is a brief summary of the workings of the nervous [Read more…]