DATE: Friday 5th April 2024.
VENUE: Energy for Life, 75 Sussex Street, Brighton BN2 0HL (Opposite number 72 Sussex Street).
TIMES: (arrive around 7.15) 7:30pm start. Ends 10.00pm.
PRICE: £22 in advance - ONLY.
As I've been away in India, we missed a dance, and I am very much looking forward to being in this magical space with you again. We can tune into a new start, and the Spring within us, in an embodied way; our inner nature, and around us, in nature.
Each month we dance and give breathing space to our feeling nature; the language and poetry of the body. Finding ways to express and integrate life. Come, let's be together to journey, dance, and venture a little deeper into embodied awareness, heart-space and sound. Music and dance are powerful ways to integrate and transform life! Together we rise.
Through dance we can embody and create together, weaving our dreams into reality through intension, feeling and co-creation.
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These are regular, monthly dances to engage body, creativity and sacred humanity. FIRST FRIDAY of each month.
Dance-Connect is dance and much more... Opportunity to dance, also a time to step out of doing in life and connect. Connect with what?
* with yourself - the body, follow what feels good for your body
* with other - consensual connection, relating non-verbally
* with group / tribe - remembering what unites us
* with environment / spirit - expanse, breath, meaning
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Each individual will have their own relationship of what safety is for them. I'd like to encourage awareness and consent with regards choice and physical space among people. I will address this at the start of the evening.
This is a led group, incorporating dance, meditations, conscious touch and ritual. Each month is different, but aims to create a structure where each person can have an experience of opening up to their own inner sensation, potential pleasure, and ability to experiment with what feels fun and nourishing for them in a group situation. No one does anything they don't want to do. The group invites each person to develop self-care, in terns of personal boundaries, and it's encouraged that a person can participate by either exploring an exercise or at any time sitting to the side to have some personal space. Simultaneously there is an invitation to be in "community-care" and to engage with others in a safe and nourishing way.
These groups are a place to get exercise; dancing is so good for body, mind and spirit. It’s also a place to explore and experiment with personal boundaries and touch in a safe space, finding new ways to get healthy, nourishing touch. Also invited is the sacred aspect of life, which can be reached through breath-work, stillness and meditations which are woven into the evening structure. This can bring a space for an individual to find their own inner meaning and guidance. This becomes more important in our busy, technological world to make space for inner sanctuary and finding personal wisdom.
Dance-Connects aims to be a safe, fun atmosphere and acts as a detox from the business of life! Many people have said they leave feeling expansive and uplifted! Regular attendance offers a place to practice the development our creative expression, ease in our body, social interaction and overall wellbeing. Frequent practice supports our humanity, for ourself, each other and the world we live in.
Who's it for?
* adults who would like to dance
* Queer-friendly
* people with lots of dance, embodiment practice, and welcome those with less.
Julia brings a varied toolbox from trainings in Biodanza, Tantra, The Wheel of Consent and Ritual Play. She always aims to provide trauma-aware, consensual facilitation.
If you're not sure if it's for you please contact Julia on Julia@heartnova.com
£22 in advance.
Why not drop in and try a class. FIRST TIMER to one of Julia’s events? FIRST CLASS HALF PRICE! Been coming for a while and bringing a new friend? You BOTH get in for HALF PRICE! Please make contact and pay prior to the day. Thanks and love, Julia.