The Wheel of Consent weekend - an intensive. 27/28th January 2024.
Location Anahata Health, Brighton
Times: 10.00am to 6.00pm- both days.
Price: £230.
£190 concession price - please check conditions in main body of the event information.
Refund policy - please read in main body of the event information.
Half-price for repeat students.
Payment required in advance.
Click here for details of how to pay, and drop me an email when that's done.
For more information please contact: julia@heartnova.com
The Wheel of Consent® created by Dr Betty Martin is an inquiry, an exploration and a map of giving and receiving in relating. By separating out "Who is doing?" and "Who is it for?" in any interaction, we clarify what's actually happening in terms of giving and receiving, and our part in it.
Relating is core to human life; from asking a friend for something I want, to being asked a favour from a work colleague, to having a sexy offer from a lover. Human interaction is complex and varied. Getting clear on what's true in relating, such as what we want, how willing or generous we feel to give, and knowing our limits in each moment will both increase personal confidence, and clarity of interaction with all relationships in life.
During the weekend you will be supported to notice, value and trust your feelings so that you can become more aware of choice. We explore what happens when we are unable to be in choice, and how to come into greater safety and direction. By slowing down and bringing awareness to communication, we learn specific ways of creating safe agreements.
The Wheel of Consent is also a map, or model of relating. During the weekend we enquire through both mental cognition, and through feelings in our body. We explore what feels good to us and follow that. In this way we can embody our felt-sense in grasping the dynamics of The Wheel.
The dynamics or "Quadrants" of The Wheel include:
- Taking; actively getting what you want.
- Allowing: enabling another to get what they want.
- Serving: to provide or offer what another person wants.
- Accepting: to receive what's been provided or offered to you.
Each of these dynamics or the four "Quadrants" has its own gift or lesson. All of these can only happen with clear communication, boundaries being respected, and consensual agreement. When these aspects are not followed we try instead to get what we want through the "Shadow" behaviour of each Quadrant.
Integral to the course will be group discussion as we look at the four types of giving and receiving, and the spiritual gift of each. We explore the importance of consent and communication, and the shadow aspect when consent is not in place. The intension is to create a safe, authentic environment for each person to be heard and respected in relation to the material and their personal experience.
During the course we will have the opportunity to explore conscious touch and feeling. Each person will be invited to explore what feels good for them in solo practice, and gentle partner work. These exercises are usually limited to the hands. No one does anything they don't want to do! You may also choose not to touch at all during the course.
If you want to discover more about your patterns of behaviour regarding asking for what you want, being clear about what you don't want and pleasure, shame and empowerment this course is for you.
If you take this course you may develop some or all of the following:
- ability to listen to what you want and how to communicate this.
- increased ability to feel sensation in your body.
- greater awareness of what your boundaries are in any moment, and ability maintain healthy boundaries when you want to.
- healthy outlets for your desires and empathy for others' desires, needs and boundaries.
- freedom from limited behaviour patterns.
Workshop guidelines and agreements:
- Confidentiality.
- It's a clothed workshop.
- Everything is an invitation and is choice-centric!
Who is it for?
- People from all sexual orientations and all genders.
- People from all races and cultural backgrounds.
- People who are curious to learn!
- Course in English.
- A few steps into the building from the street, then one flight of stairs to the first floor.
- Offering five tickets at a concessionary rate (see below).
- £230
- Concession £190 *
- Reduced price for helpers
* Two concessionary tickets are available. Check if any of the following apply to you:
- You are a full-time student
- You are aged 18-25
- You claim Universal Credit, pension credit, PersonalIndependence Payment (PIP) income support or job seekers allowance, or you are in receipt of working tax credit.
- You have a wage bracket of (single household: annual income of less than £23,000 / family household: combined annual income less than £34,500)
- You are a teacher in a UK state or private primary school, or a teacher at a UK state or private secondary school or further education institution.
- You belong to an ethnic minority group.
Please note: we may ask ask for proof of eligibility.
Full refund minus £50 admin fee given up to one week before the start of the group.
No refund given within one week of the start of the group.
Testimonials: from The Wheel of Consent weekend in 2023.
The benefits of Julia's workshop will be far reaching. Gaining an embodied sense of consent will benefit my love relationship, my work and my life in deep ways. I had a deep connection with my own essence during the practice, and I left the weekend feeling hopeful about life and relationships. Also, I had a deep sense of my own desires and innate worthiness. I learned consent skills to make safe agreements and also to nurture consent in my relationships. I cannot say enough about the benefits of this material and the skill and presence of Julia as a facilitator. Hannah Green, MFT (Psychotherapist)
A totally different and creative way to tackle my difficulties with boundaries in life. The workshop surpassed my expectations. I feel much more grounded and able to sense what I need and what I don't want and how to ask for it or set a boundary. Rueben, parent.
Beautifully led workshop and great balance between the theory of The Wheel of Consent and experiential practice to illustrate the concepts. I feel I've learned a lot this weekend about the concepts and my own relationship to consent. It's a simple framework with multiple layers and complexity which I will continue to integrate and incorporate into my life and in my relating with others professionally and personally. Mimi. (Therapist).
This weekend was very valuable for me, helping me name and understand the way The Wheel of Consent works. I found a shift happened in my relationship to how I might be in consensual interactions. I feel freer and safer to take that role now. Paul, (Facilitator).
Julia has held The Wheel of Consent groups since 2016 in Brighton and London. She is a certified Wheel of Consent® workshop facilitator via Dr Betty Martin; the creator.
To join the group please email julia@heartnova.com and you will receive payment details to reserve your place. Please also make contact if you have any questions.