The use of inspiring music from around the world, a supportive group and positive intention creates powerful experience of "waking up" to the best version of ourself which we can be.
Dance-Connect is a guided class using movement, dance and meditations. The use of inspiring music from around the world, a supportive group and positive intention creates powerful experience of "waking up" to the best version of ourself which we can be. Dance-Connect takes us on a journey from fun, upbeat dances at the start into more relaxed and often profound meditations and dances as the class progresses. Each class has a particular theme to encourage the expression and poetry of our human nature and expression. Every class honours the feeling nature of the people who come to the group, welcoming everyone, and nurturing the capacity for fun, natural movement and compassion within all of us.
Dance-Connect classes are open to all; no previous experience needed. Come and see how fun and inspiring it is. It keeps you fit and healthy too! We will learn to connect with our body be "in tune" with ourself physically, and helps our mind be more at peace. We will explore dance, expression, vitality and will feel more connection with our own sense of vitality, and our joyful connection with life and love.
Julia originally trained in Biodanza, which then changed to VitalDanza. Julia has been on her own evolution as a workshop leader having been inspired and influenced through her journey with The Wheel of Consent. Subsequently the pandemic also happened and changed how we could relate in physical space! As such how Julia facilitates dance has changed and evolved into a more choice-centric experience for all. Come and see how you find it; first class half price.
Here's a dance video featuring Julia; keep in mind it was made back in about 2011.